Calculate the sum of all numeric attribute fields values using ArcPy in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: April 7, 2023


In ArcGIS Pro, the sum() function in the Calculate Field tool can be used to calculate the sum for each record from a list of numeric fields. However, when the feature class or table contains a large number of fields, it is impractical to manually select all the numeric fields.

The ArcPy script provided in this article can be used to calculate the sum for the values of all numeric fields in a feature class or table.

In this example, there are five numeric fields in the 'Point1' feature class, as shown in the next image.

The attribute field of the Point1 feature class in ArcGIS Pro.


  1. In ArcGIS Pro, on the Analysis tab, click the down arrow next to Python, and click Python Window.
  2. In the Python window, enter the Python script below. Replace <path> with the path to the feature class or the table.
import arcpy

# Set the path to the feature class or the table
table = r""

# Add a new field to the table, "SumField", "DOUBLE")

# Use UpdateCursor to iterate through the rows of the table
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table, "*") as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        # Initialize a variable to store the sum
        total = 0
        # Iterate through each field in the row
        for i in range(len(row)):
            # Check if the field is numeric and not OBJECTID, Shape_Length, and Shape_Area
            if isinstance(row[i], (int, float, complex)) and cursor.fields[i] not in ['OBJECTID', 'Shape_Length', 'Shape_Area']:
                # Add the field's value to the total
                total += row[i]
        # Update the new field with the total
        row[cursor.fields.index('SumField')] = total
  1. Place the cursor at the end of the script and press Enter twice.

The sum of the numeric fields for each feature is now populated in the new field, 'SumField'.

The attribute field of the Point1 feature class with the new field containing the result of the ArcPy script.

Article ID: 000029132

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 0
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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