The following error message appears after trying to save an ArcGIS Pro project:
Project Save Error
Failed to save project <Project Name> to \\<network path>.aprx
If the project is closed without saving, when attempting to open it from the ArcGIS Pro's Recent Projects list, the following error message displays:
Project not found
Sorry, we couldn't find your project. Do you want to remove the project shortcut from your list of recent projects?
When trying to browse to the project from the path shown in the Recent Projects list, the .aprx file does not appear.
If these issues occur, and the project is saved in a network folder, it can be due to a network folder disconnection.
'Failed to save project' error
This error occurs when ArcGIS Pro loses access to the project file while the project is open. Specifically, when the project is saved in a network folder, and the connection to the network folder is disabled while the current project is opened, it is not possible to save the project.
'Sorry, we couldn't find your project shortcut from your list of recent projects?' error
This error occurs when ArcGIS Pro cannot find the project file from the Pro Recent Project list. Even though the path is shown, ArcGIS Pro cannot find the project file since the network folder connection is lost or broken. If it is attempted to search for the project file with File Explorer with the specific path in the Recent Project list, the .aprx is not shown.
Article ID: 000030723
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