Failed to save the current project. Error: ProjectService::SaveProjectAsync Failed

Last Published: May 10, 2023

Error Message

In some instances, attempting to save a project in ArcGIS Pro fails, and returns one of the following errors:

Failed to save the current project. Error: ProjectService::SaveProjectAsync Failed
Screen shot of the error message: Failed to save the current project. Error: ProjectService::SaveProjectAsync Failed
Project Save Error Failed to save project <name> to <location>


The following reasons are known to cause this error: 

  • The file paths used in the project contain spaces
  • The project contains raster data with raster functions applied
  • The project contains a preset feature template with a raster stored in a raster field.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, use the following workarounds to resolve this issue:

  • The file paths used in the project contain spaces
Rename the file paths from the folder or database connections used in the project by removing spaces in the path name. To see the project paths, click the Project tab, and go to Options > Current Settings. The paths can be made up of geodatabase connections and custom toolboxes used in the project. Spaces are not supported when naming project files and folders in ArcGIS Pro. A good practice when naming files is to use underscores instead of spaces, or 'CamelCase', upper and lowercase letters without spaces. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Pro Help: Change project settings.
  • The project contains raster data with raster functions applied
If the map in the project contains functional rasters, remove any function applied to the raster data before saving the project. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Pro Help: Edit Raster Function. Alternatively, convert the raster data to another format if possible, to prevent the error using the Raster To Other Format tool.
  • The project contains a preset feature template with a raster stored in a raster field 
Remove the raster from the preset feature template.
It is recommended that all data used in the project comes from the same workspace. Additionally, if using SDE connection files, removing and then re-establishing the connection to the SDE database before saving the project may prevent the error.

Article ID: 000014643

  • ArcGIS Pro 1 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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