In ArcGIS Survey123, when an administrator assumes ownership of a survey or a newly-assigned survey owner attempts to publish an updated survey from the ArcGIS Survey123 web designer, the error message below is returned.
Error: Unable to publish the survey. • -1: missing itemId / folderId / params arcgs
In ArcGIS Online, when survey items are transferred to a new owner, they are not placed in a dedicated folder for the items only. Instead, they are mixed with other items in the new owner’s existing folder. As a result, the new owner is unable to republish the form. A specific folder for the survey items must be created in the new owner’s Content page when changing the ownership of the survey.
In ArcGIS Online, create a new folder on the new owner’s Content page and move the survey items to the created folder. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Move multiple items for instructions.
Note: Specify a folder name similar to the survey title.
The image below shows the survey items in the created folder with the same name as the survey.
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