ArcGIS Maps SDK for Local Server

Last Published: February 21, 2025


ArcGIS Maps SDK for Local Server (Local Server) is being deprecated and will be retired in 2030. The last release of Local Server will be ArcGIS Maps SDK for Local Server 200.8, in Q3 2025. This will be a long-term support release (LTS) and follows the LTS Product Life Cycle of two years of General Availability (GA), one year of Extended Support, and two years of Mature Support, before full retirement in 2030.

Local Server is an optional component that provides advanced GIS analysis and data management tools for Windows and Linux desktop apps for the following ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps:

  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java

Many Local Server capabilities are now available directly as core capabilities of the Native Maps SDKs themselves. Adopting these core capabilities in place of Local Server has many benefits:

  • Streamlines app development
  • Streamlines app deployment
  • Reduces app installation size
  • Reduces app memory consumption
  • Improves overall app performance
  • Enables potential mobile app deployment
The ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java is also being deprecated. For more details, see the deprecation notice for ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java.


Esri recommends customers start planning to migrate their apps that use Local Server to use equivalent capabilities provided directly within the ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET and ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt (if a Local Server with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java is used, refer to Additional Notes below).

The following Local Server capabilities have equivalent APIs available directly in the Native Maps SDKs:

  • Raster file access: Developers can use the RasterLayer and Raster API classes
  • Shapefile access: Developers can use the ShapefileFeatureTable and FeatureLayer API classes
  • Geometry manipulation: Developers can use the GeometryEngine API class

If a Local Server is used to access file geodatabases, the options described below are applicable.

  • Developers using file geodatabases to view feature data offline can instead use mobile map packages, mobile geodatabases, or offline workflows based on sync-enabled feature services.
  • Developers using file geodatabases to view and edit feature data offline can instead use mobile geodatabases, or offline workflows based on sync-enabled feature services.

The following Local Server capabilities will be addressed in future Native Maps SDK updates:

  • Enterprise geodatabase access is not currently supported without Local Server. Esri plans to add support to connect directly to enterprise geodatabases for read and read/write workflows in a future update to the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps.
  • Offline geoprocessing tools are not supported. Esri plans to add high-performance on-device spatial analysis tools in future updates to the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps.

Additional Notes

Customers who have identified the functionality they currently use in Local Server, and for which they cannot identify the appropriate migration path, must contact their account manager, or if that is not an option, email to share details of their workflow including tools, operations, or data formats needed.

Article ID: 000034908

  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for NET
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt

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