Sometimes, a multipatch feature published from ArcGIS Pro does not display correctly in ArcGIS Online. For example, a feature is created on the ground in ArcGIS Pro; however, when exported to ArcGIS Online, the feature floats above the ground.
The image below shows the multipatch feature created in ArcGIS Pro.
The image below shows the multipatch feature after exporting to ArcGIS Online.
When a multipatch feature is published from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online, the following warning message is returned:
Warning: Ellipsoidal vertical coordinate systems may draw incorrectly
This is an expected behavior when an unsupported Z coordinate system is used to create the feature. Subsequently, publishing the multipatch feature to ArcGIS Online with an unsupported Z coordinate system causes the feature to display incorrectly.
Change the coordinate system of the scene in ArcGIS Pro before publishing to ArcGIS Online
Modify the offset value in ArcGIS Online
The image below shows the multipatch feature display correctly on the ground.
Article ID: 000028982
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