尝试在 ArcGIS Online 中启用位置共享失败,并返回错误消息:
Error: Unable to enable Location Sharing
请参考 Google 帐户帮助:清除缓存和 cookie 以获取从 Google Chrome 浏览器中清除缓存的说明。
或者,请参阅如何清除 Firefox 缓存或删除新 Microsoft Edge 中的缓存和 Cookie,了解从 Mozilla Firefox 或 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中清除缓存的说明。
Note: Only the administrator who previously enabled the location sharing can complete the steps below.
Note: The following is an example of the structure of the service URL: https://locationservices<X>.arcgis.com/<ORGID>/arcgis/rest/services/location_tracking/FeatureServer 'X' is the number that comes after the organization service URLs, and 'ORG ID' is the respective organization ID.
Note: If the issue persists, contact Esri Support for further assistance.
文章 ID: 000029842
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