
操作方法:在 ArcGIS Pro 中将要素服务导出到文件地理数据库要素类

Last Published: October 17, 2024


在 ArcGIS Pro 中,可以将 ArcGIS Online 或 Portal for ArcGIS 中的要素服务添加到工程中。 在某些情况下,为了优化性能,需要将要素服务导出为文件地理数据库要素类。 有关详细信息,请参阅 ArcGIS Pro:文件地理数据库

本文介绍了在 ArcGIS Pro 中将要素服务导出到文件地理数据库要素类的工作流。


  1. 启动 ArcGIS Pro 并登录到 ArcGIS Online 或 Portal for ArcGIS 组织账户。 有关详细信息,请参阅 ArcGIS Pro:登录到您的组织
  2. 使用门户连接、ArcGIS Server 连接或服务 URL,将要素服务添加到工程中。 有关详细信息,请参阅 ArcGIS Pro:添加 Web 要素图层进行编辑
To view the data source of the layer, double-click the layer in the Contents pane to open its Properties dialog box and click the Source tab. In this example, the USA_Parks layer is a feature service feature class.

The data source in the Properties dialog box.
  1. 使用导出要素要素类转地理数据库工具将要素服务导出到文件地理数据库要素类。
•  Export Features
To use the Export Features tool to export the service layer, follow the steps below.
1. In the Contents pane, right-click the feature service, click Data, and click Export Features.
2. In the Export Features pane, For Input Features, select the feature service layer from the drop-down list. In this example, the Location feature service layer is used.
3. Click OK.

The Export Feature.Feature Class To Geodatabase
Use the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool to export one or more feature classes or feature layers to a file geodatabase feature class simultaneously. In comparison with the Export Features tool, when a project has few geodatabases, the output geodatabase to store the exported feature class can be specified when configuring the tool. To use the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool, follow the steps below. 

1. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Feature Class To Geodatabase (Conversion Tools).
2. For Input Features, select one or more feature layers from the drop-down list. In this example, the Location, USA_Parks, and Vendors feature layers are selected.
3. For Output Geodatabase, specify the geodatabase to store the exported feature class.
4. Click Run.

The Feature Class to Geodatabase tool. 



文章 ID: 000029963


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