漏洞 ID 编号 |
BUG-000136846 |
已提交 | January 19, 2021 |
上次修改时间 | June 5, 2024 |
适用范围 | ArcGIS API for Python |
找到的版本 | 1.8.3 |
操作系统 | Windows OS |
操作系统版本 | 10.0 |
状态 | Will Not Be Addressed
开发团队已考虑过该问题或请求,并决定不会解决该问题。 问题的“其他信息”部分可能包含进一步说明。
This is expected behavior. The clone_items() method requires a feature service definition. In this scenario, the JSON of the feature service cannot be obtained because the admin endpoint cannot be accessed.
If the underlying hosted feature service is public and the purpose of the view is setting styles or filters:
- In the target organization, on the Content tab, click Add Item > From a URL.
- Use REST URL of the underlying hosted feature service.
- Navigate to the item details page for the item, and click the Visualization tab.
- Apply the desired styles or filters.
- Click Save As New Layer.
- Replace the views of the items to be cloned with the new reference layer.