
Fornecer comentário sobre mapas base e geocodificação em

Last Published: September 27, 2024


The instructions provided describe how to submit feedback on Esri Basemaps (including World Imagery), the ArcGIS Online World Geocoding service, and the ArcGIS Routing Service. Esri has created feature services intended solely for feedback to enable users to self-report errors found in Basemaps, Geocoding, or Routing results.

The feedback is reviewed by the ArcGIS Online team and is considered for an update, providing better maps to customers.

Navigate to the following link to help improve Esri Basemaps via the Community Maps Program where you can Provide Feedback, Edit Features, and Share Data.

Provide Feedback -  Instructions or additional details on how to use the feedback web maps are in the item descriptions:

Edit Features - Instructions or additional details on how to use the feedback apps are in the item descriptions

By navigating to the Living Atlas homepage, then to the Contribute tab, you can also get information on how to nominate your data to be part of the ArcGIS Living Atlas


To provide feedback on these web maps:

Sign in to ArcGIS Online for permissions to edit.
  1. Open the web map in the Map Viewer and navigate to the location where you see the issue.
  2. Click the Edit button on the toolbar and add a polygon feature on the map (use the Open Issue feature) to show the location of the issue.
  3. After drawing the feature on the map, you'll be asked to classify the type of comment and which map(s) you are commenting upon (choose the Map type) and provide a brief description to make sure we understand the feedback.
  4. When finished, click the Close button.

ID do Artigo: 000011831

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