
Criar rótulos de múltiplas linhas com texto concatenado usando Arcade no ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 21, 2023


In ArcGIS Pro, multiline labels with concatenated text (string) can be created using the Arcade label expression. In this article's example, the Schools layer contains information on schools in Florida such as city, ZIP Code, and type of the school, as shown in the attribute table below.

The attribute table containing the City, ZIP Code, and Type fields of the Schools layer.

This article describes the steps to create multiline labels displaying the CITY, ZIPCODE, and TYPE field values using the TextFormatting.NewLine constant and concatenate a text preceding each field value.

The TextFormatting.NewLine constant inserts a line break between the labels.


  1. In an ArcGIS Pro project, add the layer, and create the label expression. For instructions, refer to Steps 1 through 4 in ArcGIS Pro: Writing a label expression, and select Arcade for Language.
  2. Build the expression in the Expression box.
    1. In the Expression box, highlight the content, and press Delete to clear the box.
    2. Type 'City:' + as the preceding text before the CITY field values.
    3. Under Fields, double-click the CITY field to add to the expression.
    4. Type + TextFormatting.NewLine to add a line break.
    5. Type + 'ZIP Code:' +.
    6. Under Fields, double-click the ZIPCODE field.
    7. Type + TextFormatting.NewLine to add another line break.
    8. Type + 'Type:' +.
    9. Under Fields, double-click the TYPE field.
    10. Click the Verify button to validate the expression. Click Apply to run the script.
The expressions are written to create multiline labels with concatenated text preceding each field value.

The following is the expression used in this article's example.

'City:' + $feature.CITY + TextFormatting.NewLine + 'ZIP Code:' + $feature.ZIPCODE + TextFormatting.NewLine + 'Type:'+$feature.TYPE

The map below displays the distribution of schools in Florida, labeled with their respective city name, ZIP Code, and school type on separate lines.

The map displays the distribution of schools in Florida labeled with their respective city name, ZIP Code, and school type.

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