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É possível determinar a data de uma imagem a partir do mapa base do World Imagery?

Last Published: November 15, 2024


Yes, it is possible to determine the date of an image (specifically, any region of the satellite imagery) in the Imagery basemap. The World Imagery basemap is a compilation of imagery sources for the world and it comprises datasets that cover both large and small areas.

The basemap is made up of several imagery tiles. Different tiles and different zoom levels are taken on different dates. Updates occur on the different images within the basemap, and there is no actual known cycle for this activity. Refer to FAQ: How frequently is the World Imagery basemap updated? for more information.

In ArcMap, the Identify tool can be used to determine the date the satellite image was taken in the World Imagery basemap.

The top ribbon in ArcMap displaying the Identify tool icon.

To view the date, click the desired area using the Identify tool. The date is displayed in the Identify window, as seen in the image below. In this example, the date displayed represents the source date of the TeraColor NextGen image.

The World Imagery basemap in ArcMap displaying the Identify window.

To use this tool, refer to ArcMap: Identifying features.

To view the date of an image from the World Imagery basemap as well as its metadata in ArcGIS Pro, refer to How To: View the World Imagery basemap metadata in ArcGIS Pro.

ID do Artigo: 000012181

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