Code will move MapView from here and place it in the above DocumentViewer. The user wants to be able to print the map but the application always throws an ArgumentNullException. ``` ``` public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += (sender, args) => { // Remove the MapView from the Layout GridLayout.Children.Remove(MyMapView); MyMapView.Width = MyMapView.Height = 300; // Add the MapView to a Fixed Page var fixedPage = new FixedPage { Width = 300, Height = 300 }; fixedPage.Children.Add(MyMapView); GridLayout.Children.Remove(listBox); listBox.Width = listBox.Height = 300; fixedPage.Children.Add(listBox); // Add the FixedPage to the PageContent var pageContent = new PageContent { Child = fixedPage }; // Add the PageContent to the FixedDocument MyFixedDocument.Pages.Add(pageContent); }; } ```"/>
laptop and a wrench


ArgumentNullException is returned when hosting MapView in Microsoft DocumentView control for client side printing.

Última Publicação: December 30, 2015 ArcGIS Runtime SDK
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000092761
EnviadoDecember 5, 2015
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS Runtime SDK
Versão encontrada10.2.5
Sistema OperacionalWindows OS
Versão do Sistema Operacional7.0 64 Bit

Informações Adicionais

Appears to be a bug in FixedDocument. Suggested workaround: ``` Code will move MapView from here and place it in the above DocumentViewer. The user wants to be able to print the map but the application always throws an ArgumentNullException. ``` ``` public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += (sender, args) => { // Remove the MapView from the Layout GridLayout.Children.Remove(MyMapView); MyMapView.Width = MyMapView.Height = 300; // Add the MapView to a Fixed Page var fixedPage = new FixedPage { Width = 300, Height = 300 }; fixedPage.Children.Add(MyMapView); GridLayout.Children.Remove(listBox); listBox.Width = listBox.Height = 300; fixedPage.Children.Add(listBox); // Add the FixedPage to the PageContent var pageContent = new PageContent { Child = fixedPage }; // Add the PageContent to the FixedDocument MyFixedDocument.Pages.Add(pageContent); }; } ```

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000092761


  • ArcGIS Runtime SDK

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