A map projection is the mathematical process of taking a view of a spherical globe and drawing that information on a flat piece of paper.
Four properties apply to map projections:
To select a map projection, determine which of the properties is the most important for the project, and select the coordinate system or map projection that best preserves that property.
ArcGIS Desktop 10.7.1 and prior, ArcGIS Pro 2.4.2 and prior
Under Related Information below, click the link titled 'Projections table 2009' to access '', containing the file G37891_Projections_table.pdf. This PDF file lists map projections supported in ArcGIS Desktop version 10.7.1 and prior, and ArcGIS Pro versions up to 2.4.2, indicating the specific properties and suitable areas of use for each supported projection.
ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 and ArcGIS Pro 2.5
Under Related Information below, click the link titled 'Projections table 2019' to access '', containing the file: Quick Notes on Map Projections in ArcGIS nov2019.pdf. This PDF file lists map projections supported in ArcGIS Desktop version 10.8, and ArcGIS Pro version 2.5, indicating the specific properties and suitable areas of use for each supported projection.
Additional detailed information about these projections is available at the links entitled 'Supported Map Projections'.
The project-on-the-fly functionality in ArcMap is very good for quickly viewing data in different coordinate systems. The exercise below will demonstrate the properties of various map projections and their effect on the data displayed in ArcMap.
Note: In a Geographic Coordinate System such as GCS_WGS_1984, the North Pole and South Pole, which are points, are displayed as lines at the top and bottom of the data, and these lines are as long as the Equator. This graphically demonstrates the distortion that exists using a Geographic Coordinate System for data.
Note: Changing the projection of the ArcMap Data Frame does not affect the coordinate system definition of the data displayed in the map. There is no permanent change made to the data being displayed in the ArcMap document. This is the meaning of project-on-the-fly in ArcMap.
ID d’article: 000006113
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