La tentative de configuration du stockage des données a échoué. Message d’erreur plus détaillé : Echec de configuration du stockage des données du cache de tuiles

Last Published: April 24, 2024

Message d’erreur

The default installation location for ArcGIS Data Store on Windows is C:\Program files\arcgis\datastore. If ArcGIS Data Store is installed on a non-default drive on Windows computers, the configuration of the tile cache data store may fail with the following error:

Attempt to configure data store failed.. Extended error message: Failed to configure tile cache data store. Extended error message: Internal Server Error.


This error is associated with a known bug, BUG-000101650. When installing ArcGIS Data Store to a non-default drive, the folder's name cannot contain spaces.

This bug affects ArcGIS Data Store 10.3.1 through 10.6. The behavior is resolved with ArcGIS Data Store 10.6.1.

Solution ou alternative

Use one of the following workarounds to resolve this issue.

Install ArcGIS Data Store to the default drive

When installing ArcGIS Data Store, select the default C:\ drive as the installation path. The default path is:

C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore

Install ArcGIS Data Store to a non-default drive

When installing ArcGIS Data Store to a non-default drive, ensure the folder name does not contain spaces. The following is an example of a non-default installation path:


Alternatively, install the data store to a default drive, and move the contents to the desired location using the changenosqldslocation utility:

  1. Install ArcGIS Data Store in the default drive. The default path is:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore
  1. During installation, ensure the data store directory is configured to the default C:\ drive. For more information on the installation process, refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Install ArcGIS Data Store.
  2. Once the installation completes, the Data Store Configuration wizard launches. Use the configuration wizard to create the tile cache data store. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Create a data store using the Data Store Configuration wizard.
  3. Once the data store is configured, execute the changenosqldslocation utility via the Command Prompt to move the tile cache data store to the desired directory. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: changenosqldslocation for more information. When prompted, enter the desired location following the format below:

ID d’article:000015832

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