exporter une liste des utilisateurs du portail au format CSV avec ArcGIS API for Python

Last Published: September 3, 2024


In some instances, it is necessary to export a list of organization users from Portal for ArcGIS. This can be done using the ListUsers command line utility, or Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online.

This article provides a workaround using ArcGIS API for Python to populate an empty CSV file with a list of portal users and the required properties, such as the username, role, and email.


  1. Import the necessary modules.
import csv  
from arcgis.gis import GIS
  1. Specify the user credentials, and connect to Portal for ArcGIS.
gis = GIS("https://<gisserver>.<domain>.com/arcgis", "username", "password", verify_cert=False)
  1. Create a new CSV file, and specify the file path.
outputFile = r"<full file path>"
  1. List all the users.
users =

#For organization with more than 100 users,
users ='*',  max_users=<number_of_users>)
The default maximum number of the search() function is 100.
  1. Specify the fields to be displayed, and populate the data to the output file.
with open(outputFile, 'w', newline='') as ResultFile:
    wr = csv.writer(ResultFile)
    header = 'Username', 'Role', 'Email'
    for user in users:
        UserRow = user.username, user.role,

The following shows a sample of the full script:

import csv 
from arcgis.gis import GIS

gis = GIS("", "username", "password", verify_cert=False)

outputFile = r"C:\Users\Desktop\test.csv"

users ='*',  max_users=1000)

with open(outputFile, 'w', newline='') as ResultFile:
    wr = csv.writer(ResultFile)
    header = 'Username', 'Role', 'Email'
    for user in users:
        UserRow = user.username, user.role,

ID d’article: 000015496

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