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¿Qué recursos se pueden usar para implementar correctamente capas de escenas en ArcGIS Enterprise?

Last Published: July 20, 2023


Geographic information rendered in three dimensions (3D) provides a more realistic representation of the physical world, and therefore makes it easier for people to interact with and understand it. Using ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise, you can create scene layers to represent 3D geographic data. 3D data is often complex though, and may require more computing resources than other types of data. 

The papers listed below can help to better understand and plan for what is needed to successfully deploy scene layers to ArcGIS Enterprise. The first paper, ArcGIS Enterprise deployment guide—3D data as scene layers, provides an overview of the concepts and technical details that affect scene layer storage and use. This paper is helpful for GIS managers responsible for implementing 3D scene layers in ArcGIS Enterprise, IT staff who are responsible for acquiring, configuring, and maintaining the resources necessary to store and consume scene layers, and anyone interested in a consolidated description of the technical aspects of scene layer deployments. The second paper, ArcGIS Enterprise deployment guide—Scene layer benchmark testing, provides instructions and sample data that IT staff can use to perform benchmark testing that helps to estimate what resources are needed to implement scene layers in an organization's ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.

Id. de artículo: 000025639

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