Se producen conflictos inesperados al conciliar versiones

Last Published: May 6, 2024


Versioning workflow issues may be a cause of unexpected conflicts when reconciling. This issue has to do with workflow and the correct reconcile order.

An example is when creating a new child version mid-way through a workflow without performing a compress. More specifically, conflicts may appear upon reconcile when objects have been modified by the newly created child version. Therefore, workflows must ensure that the parent version is in alignment with their child versions upon creation of the child versions.


Solución o solución alternativa

To avoid this, run the Reconcile Versions geoprocessing tool before reconciling with the edits made from a newly created child version, using the following option, as shown in the image below: 

  • In the Reconcile Versions geoprocessing tool, under Reconcile Mode, select Reconcile blocking versions only, and click Run.
Under Reconcile Mode, Reconcile blocking versions only is selected


Id. de artículo: 000025625

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