Error al conectarse a la base de datos. Fallo general de la función Error inesperado del controlador de la base de datos externa

Last Published: April 26, 2024

Mensaje de error

Adding an .xls file to ArcMap returns the following error.

Failed to connect to database.
General function failure
Unexpected error from external database driver (1).
User-added image


The error is returned due to having installed one of the following Microsoft updates:

Per Microsoft, "Installing this update may cause applications based on the Microsoft JET Database Engine (Microsoft Access 2007 and older or non-Microsoft applications) to fail when creating or opening Microsoft Excel .xls files. The error message is 'Unexpected error from external database driver (1). (Microsoft JET Database Engine)'".

Solución o solución alternativa

Microsoft has provided an update to address this issue. Click the link below and install the appropriate update patch for the version and build of the operating system.

Id. de artículo:000016969

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