Crear una selección de capa a partir de datos CSV en el widget Filtro de ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

Last Published: July 20, 2023


In ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, the Filter widget limits the visibility of features in a layer when the expression criteria is specified. As the Filter widget references data from a hosted feature layer, adding the CSV data to the widget requires the CSV file to be published as a hosted feature layer. This article provides the workflow to enable the Filter widget in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder to reference a layer selection created from a CSV data.


  1. Upload the CSV file to ArcGIS Online as a hosted feature layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Publish a CSV file for instructions to do this.
  2. In ArcGIS Online, create the web app. Refer to ArcGIS Web AppBuilder: Create your first app for more information.
  3. Click the Widget tab, and select any of the numbered widget placeholder to open the Choose Widget window.
  4. Select the Filter widget.
  5. Click OK.
Selecting the Filter widget from the Choose Widget window
  1. In the Configure Filter window, click New filter.
  2. Select the hosted feature layer in the Layer drop-down menu.
  3. Click OK.
Selecting the hosted feature layer from the Layer drop-down menu in the Configure Filter window

The image below displays the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder with the enabled Filter widget referencing the hosted feature layer created from the CSV data file.

The Filter widget referencing the hosted feature layer created from the CSV data file.

Id. de artículo: 000026253

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