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¿Admite ArcGIS Online las uniones y relaciones?

Last Published: December 20, 2023


Yes, Map Viewer Classic in ArcGIS Online supports join and relates. ArcGIS Online has the Join Features function as an analysis tool since the December 2016 release of ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Join Features (Map Viewer Classic) for more details.

Meanwhile, ArcGIS Online can view or edit layers with related records.

To access the Join Features tool:

  1. Click the Contents button on the Details pane when the web map is opened in Map Viewer Classic.
  2. Click the Analysis Analysis button button, select Feature Analysis, expand the Summarize Data category, and select Join Features.
Join Features under the Summarize Data category in Perform Analysis

If a layer contains related records, the attributes can be edited with the correct privileges, as explained in ArcGIS Online: Edit attributes and related records. These related records are represented as columns with italicized headers on the right side of the attribute table as shown in the image below:

Related records represented for a feature layer's attribute table in Map Viewer Classic.

Id. de artículo:000012168

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