En ocasiones, los usuarios desean personalizar un mensaje de error devuelto por ArcGIS Web Adaptor. Por ejemplo, supongamos que el usuario desea modificar el siguiente mensaje de error que recibe cuando se para el servicio Portal for ArcGIS:
Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.
This article only applies to versions older than 11.x.
Note: If using a language other than English, make a backup of the appropriate file. For example, if using French, use the file "webAdaptor.fr.resx", and then open it in Notepad.
<value>Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.</value>
<value>ArcGIS Enterprise portal is currently under maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.</value>
cd /data/tomcat/webapps/<webadaptorname>/WEB_INF/classes/res
nano messages.properties
Note: If using a language other than English, make a backup of the appropriate file. For example, if using French, use the "messages_fr.properties" file.
portal_cannot_proxy=Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.
portal_cannot_proxy=ArcGIS Enterprise portal is currently under maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
systemctl restart tomcat
Id. de artículo: 000029282
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