Eliminar los elementos emergentes de seguridad del navegador en relación con la revocación del certificado SSL al acceder a ArcGIS Online o a recursos de ArcGIS Online

Last Published: September 11, 2023


When accessing ArcGIS Online or resources from *.arcgis.com or *.arcgisonline.com, some users may be prompted in the browser with a popup with wording similar to the following:

Revocation information for the security certificate for this site is not available. Do you want to proceed?


The certificate revocation list (CRL) for the SSL certificate of *.arcgis.com or *.arcgisonline.com is inaccessible, which causes browsers to assume the SSL certificate has been revoked and is no longer valid.


By looking at the details of the SSL certificate, one can find the Certificate Revocation List URL. Adding the fully qualified domain name of that URL to the trusted sites in the browser or on a similar allowed list for forward proxies allows the CRL to be accessed by the browser, thus getting rid of the security prompt.

Id. de artículo: 000014353

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