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Unable to create a Viewshed analysis in ArcGIS Online for some locations in Norway.

Última publicación: January 9, 2016 ArcGIS Online
Número de ID del error BUG-000088572
EnviadoJune 22, 2015
Última modificaciónJune 5, 2024
Relacionado conArcGIS Online
Versión encontrada3.7
Sistema operativoWindows OS
Versión de sistema operativo7.0 64 Bit
EstadoKnown Limit

Información adicional

This is a known limitation because the data for the Viewshed analysis is only available between -60 degrees south and 60 degrees north. The failing case is above 60 degrees north.

Solución alternativa

Use the following instructions in ArcMap: 1. Open ArcMap, and sign in to ArcGIS Online. 2. Add points from a CSV table. 3. Open the Catalog window, and expand 'Ready-To-Use Services.' 4. Navigate to Elevation > Tools > Elevation > Viewshed. This tool outputs the expected result using the ArcGIS Online geoprocessing service.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000088572


  • ArcGIS Online

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