laptop and a wrench


Tracker for ArcGIS logs track points at 0,0, near the coast of Africa.

Última publicación: February 11, 2020 ArcGIS Tracker
Número de ID del error BUG-000127961
EnviadoJanuary 15, 2020
Última modificaciónNovember 13, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS Tracker
Versión encontrada19.3.0
Plataforma del servidorApple iOS
Plataforma cliente13.0x
EstadoKnown Limit

Información adicional

This is a bug with iOS. This only occurs after the device is automatically upgraded while Tracker for ArcGIS is running. Restart the device after an upgrade to resolve the issue.

Solución alternativa

Restart the device when the iOS upgrade completes. 

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000127961


  • ArcGIS Tracker

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