laptop and a wrench


If network connections are interrupted prior to executing a 'synchronizeReplica' task when Collector for ArcGIS (Android) is synchronizing disconnected edits, the edits can no longer be synchronized and subsequent attempts are unsuccessful.

Última publicación: May 6, 2015 Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)
Número de ID del error BUG-000084156
EnviadoDecember 19, 2014
Última modificaciónJune 11, 2020
Relacionado conCollector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)
Versión encontrada10.2.7
Plataforma del servidorAndroid
Plataforma cliente4.4x
Version Fixed10.3.1

Solución alternativa

1. Using a file explorer software (such as Windows Explorer), browse to the file directory of Collector for ArcGIS on the Android device, and navigate to the folder containing the disconnected edits. 2. In this folder, delete the folder named 'Syncgdbrequest' and the .gdb file which has a name beginning with 'client_delta'3. On the Android device, restart Collector for ArcGIS and attempt to sync the disconnected edits again. The disconnected map is now able to sync again.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000084156


  • Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)

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