Frequently asked question

What are the organizational and project roles and permissions in Site Scan for ArcGIS?

Last Published: August 9, 2023


The Site Scan for ArcGIS platform is organized around a hierarchical structure for managing, accessing, capturing, and sharing data. The three tiers in this hierarchy include:

  • Organizations: Customers are designated an organization when they initially purchase their Site Scan for ArcGIS account. Site Scan organizations work like ArcGIS organizations; they provide a secure way for customers to manage, organize, and share data through their Site Scan account. Each organization can include an unlimited number of projects and missions, and store an unlimited amount of drone data. Members of an organization can collaborate by accessing, using, and sharing project and mission data to support their workflows.
  • Projects: In Site Scan for ArcGIS, Projects organize the information drone operators require to complete drone workflows. A project specifies the map location, coordinate reference system, ground control points (GCPs), and design and engineering overlays that a drone operator uses to collect data as they conduct one or more drone flights per mission. The project also contains records for each flight that is part of the project. By organizing this information, Projects help users track and monitor progress, capture consistent flight data, and apply the right GCPs and overlays across multiple missions.
  • Missions: In Site Scan for ArcGIS, Missions refer to a record of all the data associated with a specific drone capture job. A mission can contain multiple flights. and contains records of flight planning parameters, such as the flight mode, flight path, altitude, camera angles, waypoints, and drone camera model and serial number. It also includes the map layers, GCPs, overlays, and existing orthomosaics that are used to help plan the drone mission and process mission data. Once the drone operator finishes capturing drone imagery, the raw images and resulting data are available as part of the mission.

Site Scan for ArcGIS user roles and privileges

Site Scan for ArcGIS uses a role-based system for administering user privileges. This system works similarly to the roles available in other ArcGIS apps but has its own structure and associated terminology. There are a number of roles within a Site Scan for ArcGIS organization, each with a specific set of permissions.

A user role is assigned to members when they are invited to an organization. User roles offer different permissions based on the member’s needs and requirements. Organizations can grant privileges through a set of default user roles, or they can define custom roles with more fine-grained privileges.

There are three default user roles available in Site Scan for ArcGIS:

  • Admin: Admins can assign and manage member accounts, user roles, projects, and data access privileges. Admins can be assigned an Operator License. An Operator License is required to pilot drone flights, upload images to the cloud, and create new missions in Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS.
  • Full Access: Full Access users can upload designs, download, edit, analyze, and process data previously uploaded within projects they’ve been assigned. Full Access users can be assigned an Operator License. An Operator License is required to pilot drone flights, upload images to the cloud, and create new missions in Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS.
  • Read-Only: Read-Only users only have privileges to view data and make measurements on a given project. Measurements made by Read-Only users are not saved. Read-Only users do not consume Access licenses; Admins can create an unlimited number of Read-Only users.

The matrix below describes the specific breakdown of privileges available to each user role.

  • Yes = Allowed with Access and Operator licenses
  • O = Allowed with Operator license only
  • N/A = Not allowed
PrivilegeAdminFull AccessRead-Only
Invite people to organizations and projectsYesN/AN/A
Remove people from organizations and projectsYesN/AN/A
Promote and demote organization adminYesN/AN/A
Promote and demote membersYesN/AN/A
View members of an organization or projectYesYesN/A
Manage organization and project permissionsYesN/AN/A
View mission dataYesYesYes
Create, edit, and delete a projectYesYesN/A
Create, edit, and delete a missionOON/A
Export dataYesYesN/A
Pilot flightsOON/A
Upload mission dataOON/A
Process mission dataYesYesN/A
Upload overlays and ground control point dataYesYesN/A
View and analyze point cloudsYesYesYes
Compare missionsYesYesYes
Create and delete measurementsYesYesN/A
Create volume reportsYesYesYes
View Fleet Management dataYesN/AN/A

Article ID: 000022978

  • Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS

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