Frequently asked question

Is it possible to add Bing basemaps to ArcGIS Pro?

Last Published: April 6, 2021


Yes, it is possible to add Bing basemaps to ArcGIS Pro. However, to use Bing basemaps, it is necessary to obtain a Bing Maps Key. Refer to Microsoft: Getting a Bing Maps Key for more information.

Add the Bing Maps Key to ArcGIS Online

To access Bing basemaps in ArcGIS Pro, the Bing Maps Key must first be added to the ArcGIS Online organization.

  1. Log in to the ArcGIS Online organization as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Organization > Settings > Map.
  3. Scroll down to the Bing maps section, and paste the Bing Maps Key in the empty field. Click Save.
The Bing maps section in ArcGIS Online to paste the Bing Maps Key
Check the Allow this Bing key to be used in maps shared publicly by organization members checkbox to enable Bing Maps in publicly shared maps. Refer to Microsoft: Usage Transactions  for more information on the terms of use for Bing Maps.

Add Bing basemaps to a group and share the basemaps to an organization

Bing basemaps must be added to a group, and shared with an ArcGIS Online organizational account before it can be visible in ArcGIS Pro. Refer to the instructions below for steps to do this.

  1. Create a new group. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Create groups for more information on how to do this.
  2. Add the desired Bing basemaps to the group. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Customize basemaps for more information on how to do this.
  3. Navigate to Organization > Settings > Map.
  4. Scroll to Basemap gallery. In the Basemap gallery drop-down list, select the group with the Bing basemaps, and click Share vector basemaps or Share raster basemaps to share the Esri default basemaps with this group.
The Basemap gallery section in ArcGIS Online

The Bing basemaps are now visible in the ArcGIS Pro basemap gallery.

Article ID: 000012709

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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