When running the ESRI Compile and Register Add-in for Visual Basic, or when launching ArcMap/ArcCatalog, the following error message may be returned:
"Unexpected Program Error
An error has occurred in the application. Record the call stack sequence and the description of the error.
Error Call Stack Sequence
CompileAndRegister C:\ArcObjects\Utilities\VBCompileAndRegisterAddIn\frmAddIn.frm
Error Number
Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface"
The ESRI Compile and Register Add-in relies on Windows Script Version 5.5 for ArcGIS Desktop 8.1 or Windows Script Version 5.7 for ArcGIS Desktop 9.2. This error occurs, if the correct version of Windows Script is not installed on the computer.
Update the version of Windows Script.
ArcGIS Desktop 8.1:
Run the update scr55en.exe utility located in the 'arcgis\arcexe81\ArcObjects Developer Kit\Utilities' folder.
ArcGIS Desktop 9.2:
Download and install Windows Script 5.7 from the following Microsoft web site:
For more information, please refer to the "ESRI Add-ins for Visual Basic" topic in the Utilities section of the ArcObjects Developer Help.
Article ID: 000002996
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