Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 2
We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation to version This service pack includes all fixes addressed with previous PLTS 9.2 Foundation service packs and patches.
Note: You must install ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 3 before installing this service pack.
Note: If you have a PLTS Solution installed, please ensure you also install the appropriate service pack for the solution:
- Aeronautical Solution Service Pack 2
- Defense Solution Service Pack 1
- Nautical Solution Service Pack 1
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
Foundation Tools:
- 1394Create contour lines over all layers tool creates bad geometry
- 1403Functions using two magvars null out first input coordinate when magvar source is selected
- 1408Update Selected Feature button not available while database is compressing
- 1414Feature Builder—Dice deletes input line segment if both line and poly are from target layers
- 1415Feature Builder Circle Section function—Output parameters always shows zero
- 1417Feature Builder—Newly created Pinprick points don't appear unless refreshed or mouse cursor is moved
- 1419FB tools enable/disable logic is incorrect for some tools
- 1420Circle Bearing function—Incorrect output with cartesian library
- 1431Magvar Value doesn’t get applied with user input
- 1432Circle Bearing function—One intersecting point with projected data frame and geodetic library
- 1433Circle Bearing/Circle function—Function fails to execute with coordinates entered by PinPrick tool
- 1434Bearing Buffer function—Inconsistent behavior with Projected data frame and COMPSYS
- 1435Circle Section function—Failed to execute when selecting existing point using PinPrick tool
- 1437Arc (Azimuth End Points) function draws incorrect arcs near 0 degrees latitude
- 1474Unable to execute isolines due to invalid date format
- 1541Target and Selection Tabs—Run-time validation not working if Nautical Solution is installed
- 1550Invalid License error when executing Knowledge Base Loader
- 1874Select Features Dialog has errors
- 2033Grid Variation output is incorrect
- 2048Magnetic Isolines Tool not creating contours
- 2481Label on Format Configuration dialog has been cut off and now says Compressio
- 2783PLTS Planarize should apply unique GFID values to all new features
- 3036PLTS Advanced Query Tool dialogs do not open with foreign locale
GIS Data ReViewer:
- 1117Sampling—Text inputs need to support Unicode
- 1129Overview Window—Unable to remove grid
- 1136Validation for batch validate will not validate if feature for NOT check is not within current extent
- 1137Polygon Grid Wizard—Always get message that feature class with that name exists
- 1139Polygon Grid Wizard—A blank feature class is created if the dataset is not WGS84
- 1153One should be able to move Multiple Check rules from one group to another in Reviewer Batch Job Manager
- 1155Check cannot be moved correctly up or down the order within the same group in Reviewer Batch Job Manager.
- 1158Polygon Grid Wizard—Predefined value "N" should be removed from the cells that take longitude value as input.
- 1160Properties window losing the Feature Class when you close and reopen
- 1162ReViewer Table—Symbolize records not symbolizing
- 2397Commit To Reviewer Table crashes ArcMap when no features are selected
- 2399Grid Selection Tool—ReViewer Table Definition Query is not correct if Unique ID Field is integer
- 2447Unique ID Check returns error message
- 2448ReViewer Table—Zoom to Feature Geometry not working
- 2600ReViewer Table—Manual edits to user defined field is not remembered
- 2603When FC2 is not Z enabled says FC1 needs to be Z enabled for Different Z at Intersection check
- 2604Check Attributes and Ignore PLTS Metadata options not being written to ReViewer table
- 2605Browse Features doesn't function when multiple workspaces are loaded
- 2960Polygon Grid Wizard—Unable to select a polygon grid using select feature button.
- 2961Polygon Grid Wizard—No identify result is displayed when tried to identify a polygon grid using Identify button.
- 1877Refresh issues with the Select Name Field property page
- 1880Dynamic text referencing standalone tables causes performance issues
- 1888No warning message if you try to set Element Library Manager to a database you don’t have permissions for
- 1925VST/Calculated Text Strings not supporting ", " in string
- 1937In PLTS views dialog Copy View, Paste View Rename View and Delete View should be disabled if no view is present
- 1938First and the active view are always selected whenever you open PLTS Views dialog
- 1940Large recordsets with relational query on text strings not calculating values
- 1962Visual Specifications—CKB is no longer selectable and Representations are lost
- 1963Visual Specifications—Coded Value descriptions Incorrect
- 1965Visual Specifications—Standalone tables not available in Layer dropdown
- 1966Calc VS GP tool and edit extension remove representation overrides
- 1968Disable Save view and Delete view icons when no view exist.
- 2003Feature Display Settings—Shouldn’t need write permissions to CKB if you are setting a def query across FCs
- 2005Boundary Guide Box elements not aligned properly when generated
- 2009Feature Display Settings—Tool does not recognize group layers
- 2010Feature Display Settings Tool Not Transferring Masking Settings to Advanced Drawing Options
- 2021GTE does not delete column when we try deleting column after creating table, in table design
- 2118Map Specifications note should use Zurich Cn BT 6pt. text
- 2443Visual Specifications—Overlapping SQL selection sets remove feature overrides
- 2469Feature Display Settings—One of the message box not localized
- 2566Database Element Library—ArcMap legends are corrupted by database elements and are not saved correctly
- 2570Views created on different machine appear to be empty
- 2573Representations that exist on FC and are referenced in spec are not displayed in layer property page
- 2659Grid Manager—ONC zippers errors with empty geometry error
- 2926Visual Specifications—New representations geometry setting not get put on representation when created on feature class
- 3001Grid Manager—Wizard scale option of using the data frame is a double, anno feature class errors during creation
- 3015Visual Specifications—ArcMap crashes when trying to open Advanced view
- 3049MPS Atlas Missing strings in Element Rule Manager and others (Localization toolkit)
- 2506Grid Manager Help needs links to production procedures
- 3057Geometry on Geometry Check documentation—Data Checks FC 1 vs FC 2 clarification
Files Installed with this service pack
- oNewAtlasCommand.exe
- oNewAtlasCommand.pdb
- oNewCDR_Base_GX.xml
- oNewCKB_Base_GX.xml
- oNewCKB_Upgrade_92.640.2.0_GX.xml
- oNewcsFeatureBuilder.HLP
- oNewgraphic_table_element.lif
- oNewPCat_Base_GX.xml
- oNewUniBoxVB12.ocx
- oReplaceAddFeatOnCreate.dll
- oReplaceAncillaryDataLDR.dll
- oReplaceAtlasDesktopCOM.dll
- oReplaceAttCenterExt.dll
- oReplaceBadGeometryTools.dll
- oReplaceContourEnhancement.dll
- oReplaceCreateVVTs.dll
- oReplacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.chm
- oReplacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.lif
- oReplaceDanglesAndPseudosRenderer.dll
- oReplaceDbsVPFImporter.dll
- oReplaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.chm
- oReplaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.lif
- oReplaceediting_features_in_plts.chm
- oReplaceediting_features_in_plts.lif
- oReplaceElementsWrapper.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Display.Desktop.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Core.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.AttributionCenterExt.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.ContourEnhancement.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Desktop.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.Engine.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.UI.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.PMCMainMenu.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ValidationManager.COM.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.COM.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.COM.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.StorableLayout.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.pdb
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManager.UI.CreateGridWizard.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManagerVB.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Desktop.DotNet.dll
- oReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Engine.dll
- oReplaceesriPLTSReviewerDesktopCOM.dll
- oReplaceesriPLTSReviewerEngine.dll
- oReplaceFeatureCount.dll
- oReplaceFeatureDisplaySettings.dll
- oReplaceFoundationTools.dll
- oReplaceFrameworkCore.olb
- oReplaceFrameworkCoreCOM.dll
- oReplaceFrameworkDesktop.olb
- oReplaceFrameworkDesktopCOM.dll
- oReplaceGdbToShp.exe
- oReplaceGDBToXRef.exe
- oReplaceGenericCNTExtensions.dll
- oReplacegetting_started_with_plts.chm
- oReplacegetting_started_with_plts.lif
- oReplacegis_data_reviewer.chm
- oReplacegis_data_reviewer.lif
- oReplacegrid_manager.chm
- oReplacegrid_manager.lif
- oReplaceGridManager.dll
- oReplaceGteCore.dll
- oReplaceGteDesktopExt.dll
- oReplaceGteUI.dll
- oReplaceImportExportSettings.exe
- oReplaceImportExportSettings.pdb
- oReplaceImportTopoErrs.dll
- oReplaceinterop.msscript.dll
- oReplaceinterop.riched20.dll
- oReplaceinterop.scrrun.dll
- oReplaceKnowledgeBaseLoader.exe
- oReplaceMagneticCalculator_foundation.xml
- oReplaceMagneticIsolines_foundation.xml
- oReplacemap_production_system.chm
- oReplacemap_production_system.lif
- oReplaceMapHelper.dll
- oReplaceMetadataExtension.dll
- oReplaceMGExtension.dll
- oReplacemps_atlas.chm
- oReplacemps_atlas.lif
- oReplaceMPSAddField.exe
- oReplaceMPSBridgeRenderer.dll
- oReplaceMPSCartoTools.dll
- oReplaceMPSCompileRoutine.dll
- oReplaceMPSCreateMap.dll
- oReplaceMPSDesignSeries.dll
- oReplaceMPSDistributor.exe
- oReplaceMPSGENERICCN.ocx
- oReplaceMPSGENERICGL.ocx
- oReplaceMPSGENERICLG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSGENERICNT.ocx
- oReplaceMPSGENERICSB.ocx
- oReplaceMPSGENERICTG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSICMAS.ocx
- oReplaceMPSICMBG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSICMCL.ocx
- oReplaceMPSICMMR.ocx
- oReplaceMPSImporter.exe
- oReplaceMPSJOGACG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSJOGAET.ocx
- oReplaceMPSJOGAGR.ocx
- oReplaceMPSJOGALD.ocx
- oReplaceMPSJOGAMR.ocx
- oReplaceMPSJOGARD.ocx
- oReplaceMPSJOGLEGEND.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLM50BG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLM50CG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLM50MR.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLM50MS.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLM50NA.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLM50SG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLMAS.ocx
- oReplaceMPSTLMEG.ocx
- oReplaceMPSUSGS75NA.ocx
- oReplaceMPSUSGSState.ocx
- oReplaceOverviewWindow.dll
- oReplaceplts.awa
- oReplaceplts.chm
- oReplaceplts.lif
- oReplaceplts_foundation_toolbox.chm
- oReplaceplts_foundation_toolbox.lif
- oReplaceplts_foundation_tools.chm
- oReplaceplts_foundation_tools.lif
- oReplaceplts_mpsatlas_toolbox.chm
- oReplaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.chm
- oReplacePLTS_PAAT.dll
- oReplacePLTS_PAATCalcs.dll
- oReplacePLTSAttCenterTabs.dll
- oReplacePLTSCreateAOI.ocx
- oReplacePLTSDataLoader.exe
- oReplacePLTSDatePicker.ocx
- oReplacePLTSDesktopAdmin.exe
- oReplacePLTSDesktopLicense.dll
- oReplacePLTSExtractData.dll
- oReplacePLTSFdInstall.dll
- oReplacePLTSFdSolInstall.dll
- oReplacePLTSFoundation.bat
- oReplacePLTSFoundationUn.bat
- oReplacePLTSGacUtil.exe
- oReplacePLTSImageAccessLib.dll
- oReplacePLTSMapGridToFeatureClass.dll
- oReplacePltsMpsInstall.dll
- oReplacePLTSNavTextFile.ocx
- oReplacePLTSOutputExtensions.dll
- oReplacePLTSOutputExtensionsUI.dll
- oReplacePLTSPickList.ocx
- oReplacePLTSRenderer.dll
- oReplacePLTSRenProp.dll
- oReplacePLTSSubRenProp.dll
- oReplacePMC.dll
- oReplacePMCReportWord.dll
- oReplacePMCSourceBuilder.dll
- oReplacePMCTitleInformation.ocx
- oReplacePreLoadValidate.exe
- oReplacePreProcessUMLModel.exe
- oReplaceprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- oReplaceprjFeatureOnSubtype.dll
- oReplaceprjSampling.dll
- oReplaceRefreshToggle.dll
- oReplaceRevFrequency.dll
- oReplaceSeeSpotColor.exe
- oReplaceSelectAndIdentify.dll
- oReplaceSelectNamedFeatures.dll
- oReplaceStorableLayoutCore.dll
- oReplacesymbolizing_data_in_plts.chm
- oReplacesymbolizing_data_in_plts.lif
- oReplaceSymQA.dll
- oReplaceTOCManager.dll
- oReplaceValidationManager.dll
- oReplacevbTree2.dll
- oReplacevisual_specifications_tool.chm
- oReplacevisual_specifications_tool.lif
- oReplacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.chm
- oReplacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.lif
- oReplaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.chm
- oReplaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.lif
- oReplaceXML_Format.pdf
Installing the Service Pack
1.You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
2.The CD or network location PLTS was originally installed from must be available. For instance, if PLTS was installed from a CD, the CD must be available during the service pack install. Copy the service pack to a local folder and have the PLTS software CD in the CD drive while installing. If PLTS was installed from a network location the location must be available during the service pack install.
3.Double-click the PLTSFoundation92_SP2.msp and follow the installation instructions.
Note: If the .msp extension is currently being used by another program and double clicking the .msp does not start the install process the service pack can be run from the command line.
Launching the service pack from command line:
1.At a DOS command prompt, type 'msiexec.exe' to see if msiexec.exe can be found without specifying its full path.
2.If Step 1 returns a message box from the Windows Install, proceed to Step 3. If it is not found, search your computer for 'msiexec.exe', usually found in the system32 folder, and note the full path when found.
3.At a DOS command prompt use the following syntax to run the .msp file directly:
C:>\path\msiexec.exe /p path\.msp
C:>\msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\PLTSFoundation92_SP2.msp
An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 2 - MSP - 44271 kb
Download ID:1326
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