Frequently asked question

Why is renaming a feature class participating in a geometric network disabled?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Renaming a feature class is disabled in a geometric network because the name of the feature class is referenced when setting the connectivity rules of the network. Connectivity rules are established using feature classes and subtypes of feature classes in the geometric network. The following connections are used to build the network:
  • feature class to feature class
  • subtype to feature class
  • subtype to subtype
Since the connections rely on the feature class name to uniquely identify each network connection within the geometric network, allowing users to rename the feature class may cause the network to break. Hence, renaming a feature class in a geometric network is disabled.

If changing the name of a feature class participating in a geometric network is absolutely required (for example, when replacing old data with new data), users must remove the geometric network. By removing the geometric network, the network feature class becomes a simple feature class, which allows renaming. Alternatively, users can copy the feature classes to a new dataset without the geometric network, and rename the feature classes. After renaming, the geometric network can be re-created. However, users must take into consideration the complexity of the geometric network before deciding to remove it.

For more information, refer to the following document, ArcGIS Help: Managing a geometric network.
Geometric networks can be created and edited with a Standard or Advanced license of ArcGIS Desktop. Geometric networks are available as read-only with the Basic license. 

Article ID: 000012896

  • ArcMap

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