The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. General function failure

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When registering a MySQL database with ArcGIS Server, the following error is encountered:

"The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. General function failure".


The 32-bit and 64-bit MySQL OLE DB drivers are not installed on the ArcGIS server machine.

Solution or Workaround

Configure a data source name for the 32-bit and 64-bit OLE DB drivers on the ArcGIS server machine and register the database with ArcGIS for Server.

  1. Configure the 64-bit driver. The 64-bit executable file 'Odbcad32.exe' should be located in the following folder:
  1. Configure the 32-bit driver. The 32-bit executable file 'Odbcad32.exe' should be located in the following folder:
  1. Run the Add OLE DB Connection tool in ArcCatalog.
  2. Enter the User Name and Password.
  3. Check the Allow saving password box (to save the password).
  4. Register the database with ArcGIS for Server.

Article ID: 000012689

  • ArcGIS Server

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