Spatial queries of this type only fail with feature classes stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database using the native Geography spatial data type.
Spatial queries can fail when the filter shape spans more than half of the Earth's surface. The filter shape can be a polygon or a linestring.
This error is returned by SQL Server when a Geography instance, a shape, that is larger than half the Earth's surface is created. Depending on the application, the following error message may or may not be presented to the user.
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of
user-defined routine or aggregate "geography":
Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.GLArgumentException: 24205:
The specified input does not represent a valid geography instance
because it exceeds a single hemisphere. Each geography instance
must fit inside a single hemisphere. A common reason for this
error is that a polygon has the wrong ring orientation.
• Large spatial filters are sometimes used when zooming to an area of interest.
• ArcGIS users cannot view feature classes when zooming to an area larger than half of the Earth's surface.
• Spatial filters are always used with ArcGIS, even with full-extent draws.
Article ID: 000011211
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