Some MOLE tactical graphics do not fully comply with MIL-STD-2525B Change 2

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Some MOLE tactical graphics do not fully comply with MIL-STD-2525B Change 2. These are symbols:
1. With non-intuitive feature-to-symbol relationship
2. With geometry that crosses itself
3. That require additional information to create


Due to the problems listed above, these symbols cannot be created by following the specification directly; however, they can still be created in MOLE by following the steps below.

Solution or Workaround

For each problem, this article lists the affected MOLE graphics included and provides an example on how to create the symbol.

1. Non-intuitive feature-to-symbol relationship

Some MIL-STD-2525B Change 2 symbol templates require that ArcGIS features are created that do not match the symbol in a way that may be expected. For example, if the template for TACTICAL GRAPHICS COMMAND AND CONTROL AND GENERAL MANEUVER DECEPTION DUMMY (TACGRP.C2GM.DCPN) was followed or used, the underlying feature would be as follows:

The first image is the template, the second image shows the underlying feature that is needed to create this tactical graphic. In the following example, the underlying feature is shown in green:
[O-Image] MOLE graphic 1

Point numbers illustrate the order in which the points were created when creating the MOLE tactical graphic. In this example, the underlying feature does not match the MOLE tactical graphic's symbology. The point numbers illustrate the order in which the points must be created when creating this graphic.

To edit MOLE graphics the underlying feature must be edited. Editing MOLE graphics of this type can be non-intuitive to some users. Turning on the feature layer in the MOLE group layer typically helps. Likewise, to move MOLE graphics, it is helpful if the feature geometry is visible. For more information, see Editing MOLE graphics or move MOLE graphics.

Additional MOLE graphics that behave this way are:

1. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Defense Lines > Principal Direction of Fire
- G*GPDLP---****X
2. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Special Line > Bridgehead
- G*GPSLH---****X
3. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Special Line > Bridgehead
- G*GPSLB---****X
4. Tactical Graphics > Mobility/Survivability > Obstacles > Obstacle Effect > Turn
- G*MPOET---****X

2. Geometry that crosses itself

Some MIL-STD-2525B Change 2 symbol templates, if followed, would create line segments that cross over themselves, which would be considered a geometry error in ArcGIS.

For example, the template for the counterattack symbol states that the points need to be drawn in the order illustrated in the following image:
[O-Image] MOLE image 2
If the underlying feature for this symbol was to be drawn, the line in red below needs to be constructed:
[O-Image] MOLE image 3
Once the creation of the arrow is completed, go back to the arrow’s beginning to define the arrowhead. A polyline that overlaps itself is undesirable in a geodatabase and will be considered a geometry error. It can also seem counterintuitive to complete the line, and then go back to the beginning to construct the arrowhead. To ensure valid processing in ArcGIS, MOLE requires that the points be created in the order shown in green in the following image:
[O-Image] MOLE image 4
For details on drawing multipoint arrows, see the help topic, Symbology rendering in MOLE.

Additional MOLE graphics that behave this way are:

1. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Counterattack
- G*TPK-----****X
2. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Counterattack (CATK) > Counterattack by Fire
- G*TPKF----****X
3. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Description > Axis of Advance for Feint
- G*GPPA----****X
4. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Axis of Advance Aviation
- G*GPOLAV--****X
5. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Axis of Advance Airborne
- G*GPOLAA--****X
6. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Axis of Advance Attack, Rotary Wing
- G*GPOLAR--****X
7. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Axis of Advance Ground Main Attack
8. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Axis of Advance Ground Supporting Attack

3. Symbology that requires additional information

Some underlying features need an extra point or additional information in order to render the symbol correctly. An example is the MOLE graphic TACTICAL GRAPHICS TASKS SECURITY SCREEN (TACGRP.TSK.SEC.SCN).
Its template, as defined in the specification, creates a number of problems within MOLE.
[O-Image] MOLE image 5
First, the order in which the template points should be entered creates a feature that has a non-intuitive feature-to-symbol relationship. Second, there is no way of knowing how big the gap distance is, so that enough space can be created for the two letter Ss (additional information is needed).

To create this symbol using MOLE, the following four-point line is needed. Notice that the order in which the polyline is created complies with a geodatabase, geometry specification, the symbol matches the underlying feature, and the gap distance between the letters is customizable.
[O-Image] MOLE image 6

In addition to the previous example, some symbols require additional information, so that arcs can be drawn correctly or arrowheads can be drawn.

Additional MOLE graphics that require additional information such as this are:

1. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Delay
- G*TPL-----****X
2. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Retirement
- G*TPM-----****X
3. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Security > Screen
- G*TPUS----****X
4. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Security > Guard
- G*TPUG----****X
5. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Security > Cover
- G*TPUC----****X
6. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Seize
- G*TPZ-----****X
7. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Withdraw
- G*TPW-----****X
8. Tactical Graphics > Tasks > Withdraw > Withdraw Under Pressure
- G*TPWP----****X
9. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > General > Areas > Search Area/Reconnaissance Area
- G*GPGAS---****X
10. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Deception > Direction of Attack for Feint
- G*GPPF----****X
11. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Direction of Attack > Aviation
- G*GPOLKA--****X
12. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Direction of Attack > Ground Main Attack
13. Tactical Graphics > Command and Control and General Maneuver > Offense > Lines > Direction of Attack > Ground Supporting Attack

Article ID: 000010732

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