Unable to update hosted services capabilities in Portal for ArcGIS

Last Published: November 4, 2024


When attempting to update hosted services capabilities, the following error message is returned in the Portal for ArcGIS logs:

Invalid SSL certificate found. PKIX path building failed: unable to find a valid certification path to requested target


  • The CA-signed server root certificate is not imported into Portal for ArcGIS. In certain circumstances, while certificates are imported into the portal, only intermediate or wildcard certificates are imported into Portal for ArcGIS. This causes trust issues between the systems in a hosted federation as the connection the portal is trying to communicate with is not considered a secure connection.
  • Portal for ArcGIS is not configured to trust the server certificates.
  • The certificate (self-signed or CA-signed certificate) has expired.

Solution or Workaround

Import the server root certificate into Portal for ArcGIS 

If the CA-signed server root certificate is not imported into Portal for ArcGIS, import the certificate into the Portal Administrator Directory as an Administrator of the organization. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Import the root CA certificate for more information and instructions.

Configure Portal for ArcGIS to trust certificates

If the certificate is imported but Portal for ArcGIS is not configured to trust the certificates, configure the portal to trust the certificate. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Configure the portal to trust certificates from your certifying authority for more information and instructions.

Renew certificates

For expired certificate circumstances, generate a new self-signed certificate or request a CA-signed certificate renewal from the issuing certificate authority (CA) for the server. For example, refer to ArcGIS Server: Create a self-signed certificate. Next, import certificates into the Portal Administrator Directory. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Import a certificate into the portal for more information and instructions.

Article ID: 000031906

  • Portal for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Server
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 1
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 3
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 2

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