The KML To Layer tool returns the following error, "Error 000401: No features were found for processing

Last Published: August 19, 2021


When attempting to convert a KML file downloaded from Google Earth in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, the KML To Layer tool returns the following error message, even after following the steps in Error: Error 000401: No features were found for processing.

000401: No features were found for processing
Error 000401
Error 000401


This issue may occur when the downloaded KML file is in a non-standard format causing the KML To Layer tool to fail and returns the error. Refer to BUG-000108043 for more information.

Solution or Workaround

As a workaround, upload the KML file to ArcGIS Earth, and download it in the KMZ file format. Convert the KMZ file to a feature class or a layer file using the KML To Layer tool.

  1. Download and install ArcGIS Earth. Refer to the following link, ArcGIS Earth: Get started to download.
  2. Add the desired KML file on ArcGIS Earth and save it as a new KMZ file.
Safe file as kmz in ArcGIS Earth
  1. In ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, navigate to Geoprocessing > ArcToolbox or Toolboxes.
Navigate to ArcToolbox
  1. In the ArcToolbox or Toolboxes pane, select and expand Conversion Tools.
  2. Click From KML or KML, and click KML To Layer.
Expand Conversion Tool and select KML To Layer
  1. In the KML To Layer pane, select the KML layer for Input KML File, location for Output Location, and specify a name for Output Data Name. Click OK or Run.
Insert the desired information to convert the file

The following image shows the point features successfully converted from a KMZ file and added to ArcMap.

Points are showing in ArcMap

Article ID: 000025538

  • ArcGIS Earth
  • ArcMap 10 6
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcMap 10 7
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x
  • ArcMap 10 8

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