When attempting to convert a KML file downloaded from Google Earth in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, the KML To Layer tool returns the following error message, even after following the steps in Error: Error 000401: No features were found for processing.
Error: 000401: No features were found for processing
This issue may occur when the downloaded KML file is in a non-standard format causing the KML To Layer tool to fail and returns the error. Refer to BUG-000108043 for more information.
As a workaround, upload the KML file to ArcGIS Earth, and download it in the KMZ file format. Convert the KMZ file to a feature class or a layer file using the KML To Layer tool.
The following image shows the point features successfully converted from a KMZ file and added to ArcMap.
Article ID: 000025538
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