Controlled Image Base (CIB) and Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphic (CADRG) data possess variable extensions that are based on the data series and zone codes of the image (see the article in the Related Information section of this article). The default extensions that ArcGIS readily recognizes are *.i11 and *.i41. Loading an RPF catalog with workspaces that contain CIB or CADRG rasters, whose extensions are not listed in the Raster File Formats dialog box, takes a significantly longer time than loading those with extensions that are listed. This article explains why that happens and how the performance degradation can be circumvented.
The Load Military Analyst (MA) Catalog tool validates inputs in the target workspace that have an unlisted extension, by utilizing the same memory intensive Search Mode operation called when specifying the 'Search all files to find valid raster formats' option in the Tools menu > Options > Raster tab > Raster File Formats Properties dialog box (see figure in Option 1, step 4). This process loads the unrecognized files into memory and analyzes whether they comply with the structure of acceptable raster formats, for example, CADRG or CIB. As such, this method may take a significantly longer amount of time to validate the unlisted CADRG and CIB inputs in the target workspace.
Option 1
Modify the list of default raster formats through an ArcGIS application:
1. From the Main Menu, select Tools > Options > Raster tab to initialize the following screen:
2. Select the 'File Formats' button to initialize the Raster File Formats dialog box.
3. Double-click the extension entry for the raster format to be modified, for example, CIB or CADRG.
4. Add the desired extensions for that format by placing a comma after the preceding entry, followed by a space, then *.<extension>:
5. Click OK, and close out of the Options dialog box.
Option 2
Modify the registry entry controlling the list of default raster formats.
1. Select the Windows Start menu > Run prompt, then enter 'regedit'.
2. Navigate under HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > ESRI > Raster, then select the Formats table.
3. Double-click the registry string that corresponds with the raster format to be modified.
4. Populate the entry with the desired format.
Article ID: 000009975
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