In some instances, when accessing the server logs in ArcGIS Server Manager, the logs show inconsistent results. For example, for certain filters, the first query shows the correct results, whereas the subsequent queries show incorrect or odd results.
The log files are corrupted in ArcGIS Server Manager, as the logs can be viewed in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory without any inconsistencies.
Perform the clean operation. The clean operation forces the server to clean the logs, freeing up disk space.
Warning: This operation is irreversible. Once invoked, this operation deletes all logs on every server machine on the site.
Note: It is recommended to create a backup of the ArcGIS Server site configuration before proceeding with the following steps. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Making a backup of your site for instructions.
Note: Do not copy the old logs from the backup folder to the newly cleaned directory. If required, explore the old logs from the backup folder.
Article ID: 000032770
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