Perform a clean uninstallation of ArcGIS Enterprise base deployment components

Last Published: June 26, 2020


This article describes the steps used to perform a clean uninstallation of ArcGIS Enterprise base deployment software components. A "clean" uninstallation denotes removing any folders or references to ArcGIS Enterprise software that could interfere with a new installation of the software, and is a step conducted in routine troubleshooting to rule out issues with the installation process, etc.

A clean uninstall/reinstall is fundamentally invasive, and should only be conducted once other, less-invasive troubleshooting methods have been exhausted. Before proceeding, review the documentation referenced in the Related Information section below to determine the impact that uninstalling ArcGIS Enterprise software components has on the system .

A "clean" uninstall differs from a "silent" uninstall. A silent uninstallation entails uninstalling the software via the command line with no GUI and does not involve deleting remaining folders.

The basic workflow for a clean uninstall is as follows on Windows:

  1. Uninstall the software via Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall a program.
  2. Delete any remaining folders created by the software that were not removed by the uninstaller.
  3. Reboot the target machine (recommended).
  4. Proceed with a clean installation of the software, if desired.


Esri's documentation states that a base deployment is comprised of the following software components:

  • Portal for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Server
  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcGIS Web Adaptor
    • One for Portal for ArcGIS, and one for ArcGIS Server
The steps described below assume the following:
  • The user's installation directory is on C:\. 
    • If this is not the case, replace C:\ with the user's installation drive in any of the steps below.
  • The user's content is stored on the local machine. 
    • If this is not the case, determine the location of the user's content directories and delete those as well (if applicable).
  • This uninstalls the entire deployment. If this is not the case, only follow the steps in the section relevant to the software to uninstall.

ArcGIS Enterprise Clean Uninstallation

Portal for ArcGIS

  1. Uninstall Portal for ArcGIS.
    • On Windows, uninstall the Portal for ArcGIS software. 
  2. Delete any remaining folders.
    • After uninstallation, confirm that the following folders have been removed, and delete any that remain:
      • C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal
      • C:\arcgisportal

ArcGIS Server

  1. Uninstall ArcGIS Server.
    • On Windows, uninstall the ArcGIS Server software.
  2. Delete any remaining folders.
    • After uninstallation, confirm that the following folders have been removed, and delete any that remain:
      • C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server
      • C:\arcgisserver
      • C:\Python27

ArcGIS Data Store

  1. Uninstall ArcGIS Data Store
    • On Windows, uninstall the ArcGIS Data Store software.
  2. Delete any remaining folders.
    • After uninstallation, confirm that the following folders have been removed, and delete any that remain:
      • C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Data Store
      • C:\arcgisdatastore

ArcGIS Web Adaptor

  1. Uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor
    • On Windows, uninstall the ArcGIS Web Adaptor software.
It is unlikely that it is necessary for this step be performed unless there are issues with the uninstaller.
  1. Delete any remaining folders.
    • After uninstallation, confirm that the following folders have been removed, and delete any that remain:
      • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[Web Adaptor Name]

Article ID:000023620

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcGIS Web Adaptor
  • ArcGIS Server
  • Portal for ArcGIS

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