Match map frame size with map series extent

Last Published: October 3, 2022


Use the steps described in this article to match a map frame with the grid used to configure a map series in ArcGIS Pro.

This process may not result in an exact match when using a grid created with the Strip Map Index Feature tool, but the extent can be clipped if necessary.


  1. Using the Measure tool, find the height and width values of a rectangle from the grid.
To find the values used to create the grid, open the Grid Index Features tool history in the History pane.
  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the map frame and select Properties. In the Placement tab, assign the values from step 1 to Height and Width.
  2. To preserve the proportions of the map frame when it is resized, enable Aspect Ratio.
Navigate to the Properties tab to adjust Height, width, and Aspect Ratio.
  1. In the Insert tab on the top ribbon, navigate to the Map Frames group. Click Map Series to open the Layout Properties window.
On the top ribbon, in the Insert tab, navigate to Map Frames.
  1. Expand Map Extent and select Best Fit Extent.
  2. Adjust the margin between the grid and the frame by setting the Margin Size to 0 and the units to Percent. Click OK.
In the Layout Properties window, expand Map Extent and select Best Fit Extent.

Alternatively, clip the extent to the shape of the grid. In the Layout Properties window, expand the Map Extent group and check Clip to Index Feature. As in the example below, a gap may form between the grid and map frame if they do not match.

Clip to Index Feature may result in a gap between the grid and the map frame if they do not match.

Article ID: 000028354

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 0

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