The legend and attribute labels for shapefiles, created from a multiple ring buffer of a point or line layer, are incorrect. The FromBufDist field contains the wrong values, which causes the legend classification to be incorrect as well.
This problem happens after creating a multiple ring buffer on a polygon layer using either the 'Inside and outside the polygon(s)' or 'Outside the polygon(s) and include inside' options.
This is a known issue. The ArcMap Buffer Wizard retains the previous buffer settings from the last time you used the wizard. When your previous settings include the option 'Inside and outside the polygon(s)' or 'Outside the polygon(s) and include inside,' and you buffer multiple rings around points or lines, the label and attribute values use the incorrect values.
You can also change the label values in the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog box.
Article ID: 000004183
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