Update the ArcGIS Data Store license via command utilities

Last Published: August 11, 2023


This article does not apply to ArcGIS Data Store 11.0 and later as the 'updatelicense' command utility is no longer used. The ArcGIS Data Store configuration updates the renewed license. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: updatelicense for more information.

The ArcGIS Server term license is subject to expiration and must be renewed to maintain the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. Once the license is updated in ArcGIS Server, the license information is stored in the ArcGIS Data Store relational data store. This article provides the best practice to update the ArcGIS Data Store license via the command utilities.


  1. On the ArcGIS Data Store machine, type Command Prompt in the Windows search box.
  2. Right-click Command Prompt, and click Run as administrator.
  3. In the Command Prompt window, change the directory to the 'describedatastore' utility, as shown below, and press Enter.
C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Datastore\Tools
  1. Type describedatastore and press Enter. Search for 'Data Store mode' to check the mode of the relational data store.
If the relational data store is in READWRITE mode, proceed to Step 6.
  1. Type the command below and press Enter to change the mode of the relational data store to read-write.
changedatastoremode readwrite --store relational --prompt yes
  1. Type updatelicense and press Enter. The 'updatelicense' utility updates the relational data store license according to the updated license information from ArcGIS Server.
  2. Type describedatastore and press Enter. Ensure 'Data Store mode' remains as READWRITE to allow the relational data store to function properly after updating the license.
The Data Store mode parameter in the Command Prompt window

Article ID: 000029719

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10 8 x
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10 9 x

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