Populate BASETYPE parameter in the Excel Table for Esri and ACS variables when creating a custom SDCX layer

Last Published: June 15, 2021


When creating custom data in a SDCX layer, you may have a mix of default Esri variables and custom variables. When using the option for Importing parameters, ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro allows assigning values for multiple custom data variables and their properties simultaneously.

The ArcGIS Pro help topic Import Statistical Data Collection parameters goes over the requirements for the parameter table and the need for a column for each of the following parameters in an Excel table.

ParameterField name required in Excel table
Variable NameVARIABLE
Apportionment MethodBASETYPE



This article specifically focuses on the inputs for the BASETYPE parameter.

The following table lists the different base types or apportionment methods that can be used.

POPWGT10Population 2010Uses weighted population from the decennial census year
HHWGT10Households 2010Uses weighted households from the decennial census year
HUWGT10Housing Units 2010Uses weighted housing units from the decennial census year
POPWGT_CYPopulation 2020Uses weighted population from the current year's dataset
HHWGT_CYHouseholds 2020Uses weighted households from the current year's dataset
HUWGT_CYHousing Units 2020Uses weighted housing units from the current year's dataset
BUSWGT_CYBusinesses 2020Uses weighted businesses from the current year's dataset
DPW_C_CYDaytime Workers Population 2020Uses weighted workforce population locations from the current year’s dataset
DPR_C_CYDaytime Residents Population 2020Uses weighted residential population locations from the current year’s dataset
For custom variables, populate base type as 'None', rather than any of the above base types. The reason for this is that custom variables are more likely to have a script or formula associated with them.

Article ID: 000025498

  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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