Import images to ArcGIS Flight and upload to Site Scan

Last Published: December 10, 2024


This article describes the steps to import images from a drone to ArcGIS Flight and upload them to Site Scan. This article also details how to import images captured using a third-party flight control application and how to use the Quick Upload Copy functionality. ArcGIS Flight uses the iOS Files application to store and access images from drone missions. Using this native iOS application designed for managing large numbers of files simplifies image management and increases security by restricting access from third-party apps to your imagery.


The following section will provide workflows for common methods of importing imagery from your drone to your tablet and uploading imagery from your tablet to Site Scan. You may also upload images manually to Site Scan from a computer. To load images manually through a computer, see the article: How To: Upload photos to Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS. There are two methods for imagery import: wireless and through SD card reader.

Wireless Imagery Import

Wireless import is the simplest way to get imagery from drone to tablet. It works well for single missions, or multiple missions with a low number of total images.

  1. Ensure a stable connection between drone and controller through the whole image transfer.
The connected status merely indicates which vehicle ArcGIS Flight is connected to. However, users must verify that the connected vehicle is the same vehicle used to capture the imagery for the selected mission(s). Otherwise, ArcGIS Flight will fail to locate mission imagery on the connected vehicle.
  1. From the Pending tab, select the mission(s) for imagery import and select Import Images.
  2. On the Import Images window select Wireless Import.
  3. Ensure that the connected vehicle has a status of Connected.
  4. Select Import.

Optionally, you can enable Upload to Site Scan After Importing or Quick Upload Copy of Mission to automatically upload imagery to your Site Scan organization. If enabled, these processes will only start once all imagery has successfully been imported from the selected missions. If internet connection is inadequate, upload will not occur but images will remain imported in ArcGIS Flight.

SD Card Reader Import

Memory card is the fastest way to import multiple missions at once, and does not rely on connection strength between the drone and tablet.

  1. Remove the SD card from the drone and insert an SD card reader compatible with your tablet. Connect the reader to the tablet.
  2. Apple supported adapters will auto-detect the SD card was inserted, and you will be prompted within the Missions menu (shown below). To use this feature, select Continue and proceed to step 5.
  3. From the Pending tab, select the mission(s) for imagery import and select Import Images.
  4. From the Import Images window select Memory Card Import as the transfer method.
  5. The tablet’s file structure will be opened. Navigate to the root folder of the SD card and select Open.
  6. Select Import.

Optionally, you can enable Upload to Site Scan After Importing or Quick Upload Copy of Mission to automatically upload imagery to your Site Scan organization. If enabled, these processes will only start once all imagery has successfully been imported from the selected missions. If internet connection is inadequate, upload will not occur but images will remain imported in ArcGIS Flight.

Create Mission from Imagery

Users can also elect to create missions from a set of drone imagery.

  1. Tap the plus sign + at the bottom of the Missions List.
  2. Specify a mission name and select a mission type. Select Create New Mission.
  3. Within your tablet or SD card’s file structure navigate to the folder containing your desired imagery.
  4. Select images by tapping their entries in the list or grid display. Selected images will be highlighted and display a checkmark 
  5. After selecting all desired images tap Open.

Merge Multiple Imported Missions

  1. From the Imported tab, select the three dots in the lower left corner 
  2. Select Merge Missions.
  3. Select the desired missions by tapping their entry in the mission list. Selected missions will be highlighted and display a checkmark
  4. Select Merge Missions.
  5. Provide a name for the new merged mission and select Save.

Upload Imagery from Imported Missions

Single Mission Upload

  1. From the Imported tab, select the desired mission for imagery upload.
  2. Select Upload Images.

Multi Mission Upload

  1. From the Imported tab select the three dots in the lower left corner.
  2. Select Upload Images.
  3. Select the desired missions by tapping their entry in the mission list. Selected missions will be highlighted and display a checkmark
  4. Select Upload.
  5. From the Upload Images window, select Upload.

Article ID: 000026165

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