Export coordinates of polygon vertices to a file in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: June 10, 2024


ArcGIS Pro provides tools to convert data into various file formats depending on the specific needs, such as XY coordinates can be exported to a TXT file to be used in a Python code. This workflow describes how to export coordinates of polygon vertices to a file in ArcGIS Pro.


An ArcGIS Pro advanced license is required to use the Feature Vertices To Points tool.

Use the Feature Vertices To Points tool to generate point features based on vertices of the polygon features, and use one of the following workarounds to export the coordinates of the vertices to a desired file format.

Use the Table To Excel tool

In ArcGIS Pro, export the coordinates of polygon vertices to an Excel file using the Table To Excel tool.

  1. Populate the XY coordinates of the point features. Refer to How To: Calculate the XY coordinates of point features in ArcGIS Pro for further instructions.
  2. Use the Table To Excel tool to export the attribute table to an Excel file.
    1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing pane, click Tools.
    2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click the Table To Excel tool.
    3. In the Table To Excel pane, select the point feature class from the Input Table drop-down list.
    4. For the Output Excel File (.xls or .xlsx) parameter, click Browse The Browse icon. to specify the name of the file and the file location.
Check the Use field alias as column header check box to set the input field names or field aliases as the output column names.
  1. Click Run.
The Table To Excel parameters configured.

The image below shows the exported coordinates of polygon vertices in an Excel file.

The exported coordinates of polygon vertices in an Excel file.

Export the attribute table as a file

In ArcGIS Pro, export the coordinates of polygon vertices from the attribute table to a dBASE table, geodatabase, or comma-delimited .txt file.

  1. Populate the XY coordinates of the point features. Refer to How To: Calculate the XY coordinates of point features in ArcGIS Pro for further instructions.
  2. Export the attribute table from the map to the desired file format. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Export a table from a map for further information.

Use the Export Feature Attribute To ASCII tool

In ArcGIS Pro, export coordinates of polygon vertices in ASCII values to an ASCII text file using the Export Feature Attribute To ASCII tool.

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing pane, click Tools.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click the Export Feature Attribute To ASCII tool.
  3. In the Export Feature Attribute To ASCII pane, select the point feature class from the Input Feature Class drop-down list.
  4. For the Value Field parameter, check the desired field check box to export to the text file. In this example, the OBJECTID check box is checked.
  5. For the Delimeter parameter, select how feature coordinates and attribute values are separated in the output ASCII file. In this example, Space is selected.
  6. For the Output ASCII File parameter, click Browse The Browse icon. to specify the name and the file location of the ASCII text file.
Check the Add Field Names to Output check box to include the field names in the output text file.
  1. Click Run.
The Export Feature Attribute To ASCII tool parameters configured.

The image below shows the exported coordinates of polygon vertices in an ASCII text file.

The exported coordinates of polygon vertices in a TXT file.

Article ID: 000029395

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 0
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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