Download a DSM from Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS and convert it to feet in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: September 1, 2023


Depending on the output coordinate reference system (CRS) of the project, it may be necessary to convert the values of a digital surface model (DSM) to a different unit of measure. To access the output CRS, click Project Menu > Output Settings > Project Coordinate System.

The instructions provided describe the steps to convert a DSM from meters to feet.

This workflow requires either an Image Analyst or a Spatial Analyst extension.


  1. Click the Projects tab (icon) on the left side of the Manager window as shown in the image below
  2. From the Projects page in Site Scan for ArcGIS, in Flights on the right of the screen, under Export, click the download icon next to the desired flight.
Image showing flight to download
  1. From the Data Exports window, click the download button to the right of the DSM (.tiff) listing to prompt the download.
downloading the DSM

Once the DSM is downloaded, modify it in ArcGIS Pro to convert the values from meters to feet:

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, add the downloaded DSM to a map by either dragging the raster into the map frame from the Catalog pane, or by choosing Add Data from the Map tab in the Layer section.
  2. Click the Analysis tab > Geoprocessing section > Tools.
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, open the Raster Calculator tool by searching for it, or navigating to it via toolboxes: Image Analyst Tools > Map Algebra > Raster Calculator or Spatial Analyst Tools > Map Algebra > Raster Calculator.
  4. Create a Map Algebra expression. Under Rasters, double-click the DSM to add it to the expression.
  5. Under Tools, double-click the asterix (*) to add it to the multiplication expression.
  6. Manually enter 3.28084 for the ratio of feet to meters. Once finished, the expression looks similar to the image below.
Image showing expression
  1. For Output Raster, specify a name for the output indicating that the raster's values are now in feet, and click Run.

Article ID: 000023106

  • Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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