In some instances, polygon features created from an XY data table containing multipoint features with latitude and longitude may result in overlapping polygon features. The overlapping polygon features may be incomplete, and additional polygon features created. A polygon feature intersects another polygon feature, and splits the polygons into a few segments resulting in additional polygon features, as shown in the image below.
Below are the steps to create discrete polygon features from an XY data table containing multipoint features in ArcMap.
Note: CONVEX_HULL geometry type forms a minimum boundary of a simple closed polygon based on the input features.
The LIST Group Option groups the input features based on the values stored in the specified field. To use the LIST option, one or more group fields must be selected. Group Field(s) groups the features based on the field or fields in the input features.
The image below shows the discrete polygon features from the XY data table containing multipoint features.
Article ID: 000018552
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