Create a space time cube from a CSV file in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 10, 2020


Creating a space time cube allows visualization and analysis of spatiotemporal data. The Create Space Time Cube tool can be used to structure time-stamped point features into a netCDF data cube and the Visualize Space Time Cube in 3D tool creates a visualization of the space time cube on the map.

Creating a space time cube requires a Date field in the data table. Ensure the CSV file contains a date or time field. 

Image of a sample CSV file with time data


The following instructions describe how to create a space time cube from a CSV file in ArcGIS Pro.

  1. Add the CSV file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Right-click the CSV layer in the Contents pane and click Display XY Data.
  3. Export the layer generated to a feature class by right-clicking the CSV layer in the Contents and clicking Data > Export Features.
  4. Run the Project tool on the output feature class to convert the coordinate system to a projected coordinate system.
Image of the Point features from CSV file
  1. Create a space time cube using the Create Space Time Cube tool with the feature class generated in step 4 as the input feature.
The Create Space Time Cube tool requires an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server license. A similar analysis can be done using the Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points tool in the Space Time Pattern Mining toolbox. 
  1. Open the Create Space Time Cube tool.
  2. Select the input feature.
  3. Specify the location for the output space time cube.
  4. Select the time field from the drop-down list.
  5. Specify Time Step Interval and Distance Interval.
  6. Select the aggregation shape type and click Run.
Image of the Create space time cube tool
  1. Open the Visualize Space Time Cube in 3D tool and set the .nc file generated in step 5 as Input Space Time Cube. The space time cube is displayed on the map.
Image of the Visualize space time cube in 3D
Image of the space time cube is displayed in the map.

Article ID: 000017460

  • ArcGIS Pro

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