When working with local or global scenes in ArcGIS Pro, 2D layers can be represented with elevations on the map. Elevations can be rendered as a floating or underground feature relative to the ground. In some cases, elevated point features must be connected to a line feature for a visual representation of a standing structure, for example, a light pole or a power line on a street. This article provides the workflow to automatically generate a connecting vertical line based on an elevated point created on an existing line feature.
var lines = FeaturesetByName($datastore, "<Line_Feature>", ["GlobalID"], true) var i_line = First(Intersects(lines, Buffer($feature, 1, "meters"))) if(i_line == null) { return } var line_geo = Geometry(i_line) var point_geo = Geometry($feature) var d_start = Distance(point_geo, line_geo.paths[0][0]) var d_end = Distance(point_geo, line_geo.paths[-1][-1]) var i = IIf(d_start < d_end, 0, -1) var v = [line_geo.paths[i][i].x, line_geo.paths[i][i].y, point_geo.z, null] var new_point_geo = {x: v[0], y: v[1], z: v[2], m: v[3], spatialReference: point_geo.SpatialReference} var new_line_geo = Dictionary(Text(line_geo)) var j = IIf(i == 0, 0, Count(new_line_geo.paths[0])) Insert(new_line_geo.paths[0], j, v) return { result: { geometry: Point(new_point_geo) }, edit: [{ className: "<Line_Feature>", updates: [{ globalID: i_line.GlobalID, geometry: Polyline(new_line_geo) }] }] }
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