Apply domain values to a field using the Field Calculator

Last Published: July 8, 2020


In some cases, it is desirable to apply the description of a coded value domain to multiple records within a field at a time. Rather than applying each domain value for each individual record, the Field Calculator can be used to save time.

In this scenario, it is assumed a domain which has values assigned to it is applied to the field. The domain has the following attributes:

  • Domain Name: Color
  • Field Type: Long Integer
  • Domain Type: Coded Values
Domain Values
  • Code: 0 Description: Blue
  • Code: 1 Description: Red
  • Code: 2 Description: Green

This workflow describes the steps to apply a coded value domain to a field within a feature class using the Field Calculator.


  1. Open the attribute table of the feature class.
  2. Highlight the records to apply the coded value domain descriptions to.
  3. Right-click the field name the domain (Color) is applied to, and click Field Calculator.
  4. Input the coded value that matches the desired description. For instance, if it is necessary for all values to be 'Red', input '1' and select OK. This is because the coded value assigned to 'Red' in the domain is '1'.
Keep in mind the field type of the field must match the field type of the domain.

Article ID: 000012697

  • ArcMap 10 x

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